08 Januari 2010


Dota 6.65 AI Plus

  • 08 Januari 2010
  • joZZ
  • Setelah pada akhir Desember 2009 kemarin dirilis Map Dota 6.65 dengan ditambahkan dua hero baru. Pasti banyak Dota mania yang mencari Map Dota 6.65 AI, untuk berlatih dengan dua hero baru tersebut, dan buffmeplz di post terbarunya dalam tahap mengerjakan Map Dota 6.65 AI plus

    Wednesday, January 6, 2010

    Next version will still be 0.213

    I had some experimental AI scripts for Admiral and Clockwerk in the pipeline, but I haven't been able to focus too much on this recently and in the interest of releasing 6.65 AI as soon as possible, I'll probably hold off on this stuff for now.

    IceFrog has sent me the script changes and I've been slowly integrating them. I'm aiming to release by the end of this month.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Jadi BMP masih dalam pengerjaan, dimana ada beberapa perubahan di Map 6.65 rilis beberapa waktu silam.

    Versi Terbaru Map AI telah dirilis Dota Map 6.66b AI plus

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